Long Hair - Is it worth the Trouble?

Woman who cuts her own long hair off
Photo: Denis Orea/Shutterstock
Many women become entrenched in a particular hairstyle, clinging to it for years. Just as difficult as breaking a beloved habit, it can be equally challenging to envision oneself with a different appearance, perhaps with a radically different hair length.
Long hair has been praised as a symbol of female beauty for millennia, but must we truly undergo all the trouble to achieve a sense of beauty, desirability, and harmony?
What was once a symbol of liberation in the 1960s and a representation of spiritual power in many ancient cultures does not hold the same significance in our society. Today, it appears much more liberating to chop off one's locks and embrace the low-maintenance allure of a sassy and sexy short haircut.
If you're still undecided about whether to go long or short, here's some food for thought:
Short hair complements an active lifestyle. Daily maintenance is quick, painless, and for most modern styles, very easy. Say goodbye to the hassle of combing out tangles in long hair.
Clothes and jewelry stand out more with short hair, allowing for more enjoyable accessorizing and experimentation with various fashion items. Long hair tends to conceal trendy scarves, and jewelry can easily become lost in voluminous manes. Long hair and collars are not a perfect match, particularly for achieving a professional look. Buttoned blouses with collars are a wardrobe staple, but they can be obscured by long hair unless it's tied back in a ponytail. The same applies to trendy turtlenecks.
One could argue that with long hair, you miss out on a lot of fashion fun. While there are certainly updos, backstyles, and other hairstyles that keep the hair away from the face and neck, do you really want to go through all that trouble every single day?
I must admit, although I currently wear my hair long, I find myself increasingly drawn to shorter styles. The thought of a tangle-free future fills me with excitement. Have you ever tried brushing your hair after a ride in a convertible, only to realize you forgot your elastic scrunchie or hat? Or struggled to dry it after a workout or swim? Just imagine the newfound feeling of freedom!
Gathering a woman's long hair in a ponytail and cutting it off.
Photos: Pixelshot/Canva
Years ago, my hair was short, and I alternated between pixie cuts and bob styles, which I immensely enjoyed. During that time, I entered the workforce, attending meetings and interacting with many people daily. Now, I work from home, and the only audience during my active hours is my cat, who couldn't care less about what's happening on my head or what clothes I'm wearing. Hairstyling has been reduced to a quick brush, followed by either a long braid or a loose and very casual bun. It's not particularly fashionable, and I fear that by the time I discover the next set of split ends, the end of my hair might be near.
I know, if you have a partner who prefers long hair, it's not a good idea to ignore him and cut your hair short just like that. But don't forget that he, too, may never have considered another look for you just because he's so used to your long hair. Or maybe he secretly likes cute pixie cuts and short bobs, but he's afraid to say it because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Talk openly with him about your hair and show him what short haircuts you would consider for yourself. Make the choice of a new short haircut a joint decision. Let him be part of your long-to-short hair transformation; ask him to come with you to the hair salon, maybe even let him cut your ponytail. In other words, let him be part of your transformation process and enjoy it together.
We often forget that we don't wear our hair for the pleasure and eye candy of others, but for ourselves. It's supposed to make us feel good, and its care and maintenance should not take over our lives but be easy. Just imagine how you would feel and how your life would be with a different, perhaps much shorter, hairstyle. Make your decisions well-informed, take your time, and you will be surprised by the difference those scissors can make!
By Bea | Updated | ©Hairfinder.com

See also:
Reasons to cut your hair short
Reasons to let your hair grow long