Rachel McAdams' Short Hair

Rachel McAdams with short neckline length hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Rachel McAdams keeps her light reddish-brown short hair in bouncy layers that rest upon her neckline. There is a side part that sweeps the top over to one side to meet the gathering of curls. The other side has been brushed back and behind the ear, with the bottom of the hair curled under and toward the face.
To achieve this hairstyle, use conventional rollers, directing them how you would like the hair to flow. Place the rollers over the top and under along the sides, rolling the hair under and up along the nape of the head. Once dry, brush vigorously and comb into place.
She has light brown eyebrows, brown eyeshadow, heavy eyeliner, lashes, and mascara, along with light blush and a neutral light pink lip color.
Rachel McAdam - Side view of her short curly hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles