Katharine McPhee's Long Hair

Katharine McPhee's long hair with angles along the sides
Photo by PR Photos
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Katharine McPhee wears her hair in ultra-long strips with angles along the sides and irregular textured bangs below her brows. There are surprising blonde slices placed abstractly here and there.
She could wear her hair up, up/down, with curls or fans, braids, or down with curls, or just as we are seeing now, where the style has been blow-dried and then a flat iron is used to calm the hair down. The use of smoothing serum will coat the top of the hair shaft to close the cuticles and ensure smoothness. Spritz some gloss for shine, and you are ready to party.
Today's look is au naturel! No heavy makeup, or at least try not to look like you're wearing it. Katharine has a type of translucent foundation and just touches of warmth on her cheeks and lips. A small bit of light shadow in the corners of her eyes with warmth on the lids, mascara, and very thin eyeliner you can barely see. Very attractive!
Long hairstyle with textured bangs - Katharine McPhee
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More Katharine McPhee hairstyles