Long Reddish Brown Hair

Amy Adams - Long and smooth reddish brown hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Amy Adams wore her basic black dress with ruffled short sleeves at the 18th Annual BAFTA/LA Britannia Awards.
Her long reddish-brown hair was worn in layers, parted on the side, with the bangs brought over the forehead and tucked underneath the hair along the side. The sides were angled, with one brought around to be scattered around the neck and close to the face, while the other side was brought back behind the ear to expose her long earrings.
Amy Adams - Side parted long hair with bangs
Photo by PR Photos
This hairstyle requires painstakingly skilled labor to smooth every detail of the hair with a flat iron or a large round iron. A heavy styling product is needed to achieve the look of thickness and reveal the specific fibers of the hair. Therefore, if you are looking for something quick and easy, this wouldn't be the hairstyle for you.
There are several products for you to select from. Trying out different products will also give you insight into your hair as you discover the reactions from the creams and gels.
Amy's makeup is delightfully worn with a creamy transparent foundation. She has kept her brows on the thicker side, and as a result, that has given her eyes a rich, soft, warm appearance. Her eyes are widened by a light shadow and given just a small amount of depth on the lower lid with a warmer shadow, lashes, and mascara.
Amy Adams wearing her hair long and smooth with angled sides
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Amy Adams hairstyles