Hair Around the Shoulders

Alexie Gilmore with her hair resting upon her shoulders
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Alexie Gilmore gave everyone a big smile when she was at the New York City premier of Appaloosa.
She wore her tri-colored hair in soft coils that rested around her shoulders. Her bangs were left straight and divided with a few thin strands of hair cast. The long layers enveloped with coils would be a good look for a luncheon engagement or if you are entertaining at home.
Although the coils will relax as the hours pass, you'll still be right in style with one of the latest trends. If you discover that you like the hairstyle, you can always get a gentle perm.
Alexia Gilmore - Hair with thin straight bangs
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Alexia Gilmore wearing a sheer white dress
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See also: More Alexie Gilmore Hairstyles